Celebrating PYP student's transition from Primary to Secondary school

In their final year, all our Grade 5 Primary Years Programme students participate in the PYP Exhibition. It offers them a rewarding and challenging opportunity to showcase the attributes of the IB learner profile and celebrate their transition from Primary to Secondary school.

PYP Exhibition

What is the PYP Exhibition Project?

The PYP Exhibition involves students working collaboratively to conduct an in-depth inquiry into a real-life issue or problem that’s pertinent to them. This typically involves the use of a variety of source materials: first-hand experiences, interviews, research, surveys, field visits, etc.

At the end of the project, students host a daytime exhibition for the rest of the school and an evening exhibition for parents. This involves students using a range of media and forms of expression to communicate what they have discovered during the project. This normally includes the use of moving and still images, audio, animation, work, oral presentations and performances.

Throughout the project, students are guided by a staff mentor.

How long does the project last?

The research that builds up to the PYP Exhibition usually lasts 8 to 10 weeks. The Exhibition is then shared with the whole school community, including Grade 6 Westminster and our sister Grade 5 students, over two days. The culmination is an action plan to put into practice what students have learned.

Exhibition for me was like training an animal, at first it seems impossible to understand each other, but with more practice and learning from your mistakes, you can soon recognise that you have to trust one another to accomplish your objective.

– Hampstead PYP Exhibition Student


A highlights video of our 2021 Hampstead PYP exhibition

2020 and 2021 were unusual years for our Grade 5 students. Covid-19 meant our students had to work together online to research their projects, and the PYP exhibition had to be set up virtually for the rest of the school and parents. Our Grade 5 students at both Kensington and Hampstead managed this challenge brilliantly.

Southbank International School

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